Our last flower and vegetable show was in 2019 and despite difficult weather, it was very successful.
This year we are pleased to announce that the show will be going ahead on Saturday 3rd September at 2.15pm. You will notice that the venue has changed to The Sanctuary, Kenilworth Methodist Church, Priory Road, Kenilworth.
For all of those new members, we know that this talk of growing and showing must seem a little daunting but be assured we don’t take life too seriously, so please come along and enter a few classes. The competition is light-hearted but if you don’t want to show anything, just come along to have a look around and chat to your fellow plotholders. If you need help or advice, we’re all happy to offer a little guidance. The team that puts on the show each year is Karen Knight (plot 83b), Linda Martin (plots 38 & 84) and Toni & Barry Hickman (plots 107/8/9) – if you see us on our plots please feel free to ask.
After the show ‘proper’ comes to an end, exhibitors are encouraged to leave their produce to be auctioned off. Why not ask your friends, family and neighbours to come along for tea and cake, then to stop and take part in the auction?
As someone once said, “It’s the best free afternoon’s entertainment of the year!”
We shall be putting on a raffle again this year and would welcome donations on the day. If you are not able to make the show date, we would be delighted to receive donations beforehand. Just one stipulation from the church – please no items containing alcohol.
And lastly, when entering the show or buying produce in the auction, loose change would be very much appreciated.
🌼 All proceeds to the Association. 🌼
🍰 ☕ 🌻 Put the date in your diary, and come along for a really enjoyable afternoon. 🌻 ☕ 🍰