As the Association is a member of the National Allotment Society you are able to obtain top quality seeds from King’s Seeds at a heavily discounted price.  In addition, the Association gets commission on your purchases which help to cover our costs and keeps the rents down.   It is a win/win situation, and there are not too many bargains around at the moment!

You can now order seeds whenever you like using the online ordering system.  Newcomers to this option will need to request to be set up on the King’s system, by sending an email to and also give a contact telephone number.  This information, plus your address will go on to the King’s ordering system.  Immediately after this is done you will be sent an email so that you can log on to the system and set up a password.  Then you can start ordering.  There is an online catalogue and we will also have paper copies at the shed from Sunday 6th August 2023.

Please note:  It is crucial to enter the King’s site through the National Allotment Association website to obtain the discount.  To check you are in the right place, look at the price of Greyhound cabbage, which should be 95p.

The big disadvantage is that you will now pay for postage and packing.  £2.35 for seed orders and £3.75 for seed potatoes and soft fruit.  No-one will ever pay more than £6.10.

Online orders will be delivered to your home address.

We are still going to run the previous system, where you hand in a paper order form at the shed on either Sunday 29 October or Sunday 5 November between 10.30 and noon.  You can buy other shed stuff at the same time.  In late November/early December you will be contacted about collecting your order.  There is no need to pay for packing and postage, unless you order potatoes or soft fruit, where there is a charge of £3.75.

You will need to pay for your order before we forward it to Kings.  Bank transfer, same as your rent, is the preferred method.  Otherwise a cheque through the letterbox at 5 Mercia Avenue, or at the shed.   Just send an email to to let us know.

Neither Kings nor the NAS will share your data with third parties.  It will only be used as necessary to fulfil your order.

King’s seeds
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