We asked for help to fill in the potholes on Gypsy Lane and the allotments and were pleased to see such an enthusiastic response when around 25 volunteers turned up this morning with their wheelbarrows and tools.  As the saying goes ‘many hands make light work’ and so the job was done and dusted in under an hour!

A big thank you to everyone who gave up their time to lend a hand, making the first of our working parties a great success.  Of course, it was made all the more enjoyable by the tea and delicious cakes provided by some of our volunteers.  A great way to finish off a very productive morning.

Working party volunteers


Some of our bakers









We plan to hold further working parties on the first Sunday of every month, so if you can spare the time please come along, everyone is welcome.  As well as keeping on top of general site maintenance it’s also a chance to meet your fellow plot holders and enjoy some delicious home made cakes.

Working party success 4th June