Payment for membership and rent is now due for the year 2022 and should be made no later than March 25th.
Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer, details of which are shown on the Membership renewal form 2022. (If payment is made by bank transfer, this would need to be confirmed by email to, including plot number, name, address and telephone number.)
Otherwise please complete the Membership renewal form 2022 and return it with the appropriate payment to the address indicated on the form.
Alternatively, payment may be made at the shop on March 6th, 13th and 20th. The money and form should be in an envelope with the name and plot number marked on the outside.
If you are unable to do any of these then contact Arthur Belgrove to make alternative arrangements. If you pay by post and would like a receipt, then please include a stamped addressed envelope.
Finally, if you do not wish to continue with your allotment plot, please let Arthur know as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made for a new tenant.