AGM 11th May 2023

This year our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 11 May 2023 at 7.30pm at the Sports and Social Club, Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth, CV8 2PA.  Our Constitution provides that the AGM is held in April, but fate has conspired against us this year for many reasons, and there is nothing disadvantageous in the delay.  Please try to come along as this will be a very important meeting.

It is a critical time for our Association, as we need to consider how we can continue to operate if volunteers do not come forward to take on key roles.  If there are no volunteers, then paid management will be an option at a considerable cost.  It is therefore vital that as many members as possible attend this meeting.  If you want the Association to continue as we are now then your ideas and views on the way forward are essential.

Below are the annual reports from the Association’s Officers for you to read and consider.  At the meeting you will have the opportunity to speak to the Officers about the reports.

If you cannot attend but have access to a computer via Zoom, then please let Arthur know so he can set this up.

We look forward to seeing you.

Potato ‘Weigh In’

‘The Big Weigh In’

Good turn out for the potato competition today.

Three potatoes bought and planted in February for 60p.

The winners are:

1st Ken Chennells 35lb 3oz
2nd Chris Jordan 25lb 1 oz

3rd Brent Cameron 23lb

Well done to everyone that took part.  Smiley potato face cartoon pic


Annual show – Sat 3rd Sep @ 2.15pm

Our last flower and vegetable show was in 2019 and despite difficult weather, it was very successful.

This year we are pleased to announce that the show will be going ahead on Saturday 3rd September at 2.15pm.  You will notice that the venue has changed to The Sanctuary, Kenilworth Methodist Church, Priory Road, Kenilworth.

For all of those new members, we know that this talk of growing and showing must seem a little daunting but be assured we don’t take life too seriously, so please come along and enter a few classes.  The competition is light-hearted but if you don’t want to show anything, just come along to have a look around and chat to your fellow plotholders.  If you need help or advice, we’re all happy to offer a little guidance.  The team that puts on the show each year is Karen Knight (plot 83b), Linda Martin (plots 38 & 84) and Toni & Barry Hickman (plots 107/8/9) – if you see us on our plots please feel free to ask.

After the show ‘proper’ comes to an end, exhibitors are encouraged to leave their produce to be auctioned off.  Why not ask your friends, family and neighbours to come along for tea and cake, then to stop and take part in the auction?

As someone once said, “It’s the best free afternoon’s entertainment of the year!”


We shall be putting on a raffle again this year and would welcome donations on the day.  If you are not able to make the show date, we would be delighted to receive donations beforehand.  Just one stipulation from the church – please no items containing alcohol.

And lastly, when entering the show or buying produce in the auction, loose change would be very much appreciated.

Annual Show Schedule

Annual Show Entry Form

🌼  All proceeds to the Association.  🌼

🍰 ☕ 🌻  Put the date in your diary, and come along for a really enjoyable afternoon.  🌻 ☕ 🍰


Potato competition

Picture of a potato with drawn on faces

Kick off the growing season and have some fun by entering our Potato Competition!

The rules are simple:

  • Pop along to the shop and pick up your seed potatoes.  Entry is 60p for 3 potatoes.
  • Potatoes must be grown on plots
  • On Monday 29th August, dig up your potatoes and take them along to the shop at 11.00am to be weighed.
  • Biggest yield wins!

So time to get your competitive juices flowing and see if you can beat your neighbours! Smiley potato face cartoon pic

All proceeds to the Association.


Rent & membership renewal 2022

Payment for membership and rent is now due for the year 2022 and should be made no later than March 25th.

Our preferred method of payment is by bank transfer, details of which are shown on the Membership renewal form 2022.  (If payment is made by bank transfer, this would need to be confirmed by email to, including plot number, name, address and telephone number.)  

Otherwise please complete the Membership renewal form 2022 and return it with the appropriate payment to the address indicated on the form. 

Alternatively, payment may be made at the shop on March 6th, 13th and 20th.  The money and form should be in an envelope with the name and plot number marked on the outside.

If you are unable to do any of these then contact Arthur Belgrove to make alternative arrangements.  If you pay by post and would like a receipt, then please include a stamped addressed envelope.

Finally, if you do not wish to continue with your allotment plot, please let Arthur know as soon as possible so that arrangements may be made for a new tenant.