This year our Annual General Meeting will be held on Thursday 11 May 2023 at 7.30pm at the Sports and Social Club, Upper Rosemary Hill, Kenilworth, CV8 2PA. Our Constitution provides that the AGM is held in April, but fate has conspired against us this year for many reasons, and there is nothing disadvantageous in the delay. Please try to come along as this will be a very important meeting.
It is a critical time for our Association, as we need to consider how we can continue to operate if volunteers do not come forward to take on key roles. If there are no volunteers, then paid management will be an option at a considerable cost. It is therefore vital that as many members as possible attend this meeting. If you want the Association to continue as we are now then your ideas and views on the way forward are essential.
Below are the annual reports from the Association’s Officers for you to read and consider. At the meeting you will have the opportunity to speak to the Officers about the reports.
If you cannot attend but have access to a computer via Zoom, then please let Arthur know so he can set this up.
We look forward to seeing you.