In September Chris Othen organised an insect survey, which was conducted by an entomologist. The survey was only carried out on a small number of plots where the plot holders had given prior permission and the lady was always escorted
Manure! We have taken delivery of two loads of manure. The cow manure is much better quality than last year because it has been extremely well rotted for over a year. We have also procured a larger quantity than last
HEOG Potato Day & Seed Swap
A date for your diary, Saturday 3rd February 2024. Heart of England Organic Group will be holding a Potato Day & Seed Swap at St John’s Church Hall, Warwick Road, Kenilworth. See the flyer below for details. HEOG Potato Day
King’s seeds
As the Association is a member of the National Allotment Society you are able to obtain top quality seeds from King’s Seeds at a heavily discounted price. In addition, the Association gets commission on your purchases which help to cover
Summer Newsletter 2023
For a round-up of our Association’s activities, please see our newsletter below: Summer Newsletter 2023
Annual Show, Sat 2nd Sep 23
This year’s Annual Show will take place on Saturday 2nd September at: The Sanctuary Kenilworth Methodist Church Priory Road Kenilworth Please see the attached letter and programme of events for details. We look forward to seeing you there. 🙂
Working party 2nd July
Clearing a vacant plot in readiness for a new tenant was all down to the group of volunteers who helped during the Sunday community gathering for coffee and cake. Thank you everyone!
Working party success 4th June
We asked for help to fill in the potholes on Gypsy Lane and the allotments and were pleased to see such an enthusiastic response when around 25 volunteers turned up this morning with their wheelbarrows and tools. As the saying
Volunteers needed 4th Jun 23!
Dear All, Next Sunday the 4th June we are holding a working party 10.00 – 12.00. Sara and others will be providing refreshments and cake at the shed. The work will be to make repairs to both the access road
AGM minutes 2023
This year’s AGM was held at the Sports and Social Club on 11th May 2023 at 7.30pm. The meeting proved to be very successful and we would like to thank all who attended. You can view the minutes below. AGM minutes 11